Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by difficulty paying attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. These symptoms can cause significant challenges in a person’s life, including difficulties with schoolwork, relationships, and daily functioning.

The purpose of an ADHD assessment is to identify the presence and severity of these symptoms, as well as to understand how they are impacting an individual’s life. The assessment may include a variety of different components, such as a thorough medical and psychiatric history, cognitive testing, behavioral observations, and interviews with an individual and their family members or other people who know them well. The results of the assessment are used to determine whether an individual meets the diagnostic criteria for ADHD and to develop a treatment plan to address any identified symptoms and challenges. This may involve medications, therapy, accommodations at school, or a combination of each.

ADHD Testing

This assessment includes 3-4 separate appointments, which include an initial Intake interview (1 hour), 2-3 hours of testing and completion of rating scales (questionnaires), and a concluding Feedback appointment (1 hour).